Friday night, I arrived in the Tuc with trusty Darren by my side, and after a fabulous Floff reunion that involved jumping and hugging, we went to her apartment, where she fed me Cadbury eggs. We had dinner at Vivace, and I couldn’t resist texting Stacy to rub it in her face – sorry Stace. Dinner was super yum and afterwards, we pre-drank a little bit with Staypuft and Zach at Floff’s. It was so good to see both of them! They really looked great. Then the four of us headed over to DIRTBAGS!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH it was so good to be there! The bouncer, Mateo, looked at me and was like, “whoa, long time no see- go right in.” I briefly teared up but recovered so that I could drink, chit chat with pals, and dance retardedly to my favorite jukebox songs, including Madonna, Bruce Springsteen, and of COURSE, Sweet Caroline! They played it twice – it made me really miss FPC 03.
I took a TicTac, several soco shots, and of course, drank far too many vodka crans. One particular highlight: some random drunk was like, creepily leering at Tammy and me while we were sitting at the bar. Tammy and I were chatting with Jen (remember Jen, you guys!? Zach Silverman’s girlfriend?) and Tammy brilliantly motioned for Jen to get rid of the guy. Within SECONDS Jen was on the loudspeaker summoning security and the guy was tossed out on his ass (much like a particular Mitchell Penner ejection I remember fondly… sorry Mitch.) When they yelled last call, Zach dragged me away from the bar and we walked home, abducted Floff’s neighbor’s dog, and passed out.
Saturday, we woke up and drove into the foothills, because Floff wanted to take me to the new Jewish deli, Shlomos & Vitos. It was DELISH! Such a fab menu. Honestly, if we were still living there we would all be there every single day. We ate our knishes and pastrami sandwiches then hopped next door to La Encantada for some shopping. (Everyone who I’ve told this to is like “you went shopping in Tucson? Why?”) We then headed back to campus and walked around University a little bit – I can’t believe all the new things they’ve put! Very unfair. These bitches get a Which Wich and I had to eat Silvermine? Not cool!
Saturday night, we had our traditional Floff meal at Wildflower, where the smoked salmon latke was every bit as good as we remembered, JULIE, and then of course, went back to Dirtbags for round 2. We still had a ton of fun, but unfortunately it was Kappa Mom’s Weekend and Theta Dad’s Weekend and there were a lot of blond parental units from Newport Beach cramping my style. Floff decided we needed to leave early after I almost got into a fistfight with some bleached blond forty year old, and I reluctantly agreed (after peeing and seeing the LML FPC 03 graffiti in the bathroom. Who did that?! Nicely done!) I limped home with Floff and Floff boyfriend Scott, who held my hand and threatened to carry me if I did not stop limping. If my feet hadn’t hurt so bad, we would have gone to Local Dough, but I could barely stand, and as such, we settled for Jack in the Box. No BCWs, unfortunately. Apparently no Weight Watchers, either…
Sunday was ROYAL FAM LUNCH at Pei Wei with Rachel and Cid, which was amaaaazing – we had a major shit-talking sesh which was urgently needed. I went back to AEPHI to see everyone, which was so great! Everyone looks beautiful and the house looks fab and oddly enough, even KATHRYN was happy to see me (WTF?!). Then, an amazing thing happened – I stayed for the first recruitment practice with all the new girls! Carlye Gossen is the recruitment chair and she did a great job. I am completely confident that she (and they) will do fabulous in August. They did a “bounce-off” with “I wanna go AEPHI” and afterwards, I showed everyone the TORTUROUS routines we used to have to do -- “SO LONG! GOODBYE!” (cue handslap on knee…owww.) I quickly ran over to Pi Phi to see Dove, who I miss SO MUCH, and then Floff and I had a quick dinner at Paradise Bakery (also new on University – unbelievable!) and then she drove me to the airport.
I was sad to leave, but if I am going to be perfectly honest, it felt really weird being back there. I think that Homecoming was so atypical – everyone was in town, I was running around trying to see people and go places – but this was a normal weekend in Tucson and I felt very disjointed. It was like, wait a minute – less than a year ago this was MY life, MY restaurants, MY bars, and MY friends, and now it’s totally not.
Jeremy says that is how he felt over Homecoming – that as much as it sucks, we just don’t have a place there anymore. I didn’t feel that way over Homecoming, but I definitely did this time. It was SO good seeing everyone and going everywhere I missed, but Tucson isn’t my home anymore, which is truly heartbreaking for me. I literally had the best 3.5 years of my life (what? First semester sucked!) at the UofA and I will never, EVER, forget any part of my time there, but I had no idea going back would be so rough. I kept trying to close my eyes and pretend that it was real, that I hadn’t graduated, that this was just a normal Saturday night schmoozing at my favorite bar with my friends, but I couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t.
Ugh! Moving on. I can’t even count how many people came up to me over the weekend to say that they loved reading my blog, which was SUCH a fabulous feeling! I know I promised shoutouts to a lot of you, and honestly, I really would have done it, but unfortunately I was fairly drunk all weekend and can’t remember who I said it to. My bad. Anyways, thanks to everyone who continues to read this!
Before I go, I just would like to say I am anxiously awaiting what they’re calling “Super Tuesday 2”, aka tomorrow’s Democratic primaries. I hope Hillary will be able to pull it off, but I genuinely don’t know if she can. To be perfectly honest, I am fine with both candidates – I just felt like Hillary Clinton has more experience, which is why I voted for her (also, John Edwards had already dropped out of the race, and I was originally planning on voting for him). I am very interested in what will happen tomorrow. So, to all my pals in Texas, get out there and vote! And let me know what its like out there. I have a feeling it will be very exciting!
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