I am SO excited because my new couch is being delivered on Wednesday! Although that might not be the best thing, since it is so unbelievably comfortable I might abandon my social life and just lay in it at every spare moment. I special-ordered it from Z Gallerie (yet another Jacob favorite), and although unfortunately it did not come in hot pink (boo), I chose a fabulous dark dark dark brown velvety squishy fabric and I will just accessorize with pink pillows or a pink blanky. It’s called the Cuddler Couch and this is what it looks like:

Yesterday, Benjamin traveled to Brentwood to take me out for din, and we ate at this new restaurant Crazy Fish. It is a sushi restaurant with a revolving belt, and you can take whatever you want off the conveyer belt as it flies by you. The cool thing about this place is that the conveyer belt is time-controlled, so if the sushi is on the belt for more than an hour, it automatically takes itself off the belt! COOLNESS. To be honest the sushi was just okay according to my standards, but I am a total sushi snob. I think other people like it – the place was packed last night at 8:30 on a Sunday.
Currently Ali and I are watching The Hills in bed. We knew the She-Pratt was going to be on this episode so we HAD to watch together because we are terrified of the She-Pratt. Five seconds ago I told Ali that the She-Pratt was addicted to meth and Ali was surprised. I don’t know why she was surprised because she totally looks like a meth freak. In other The Hills news, Jacob is now a convert. ALSO, I believe this is the episode where they have the conversation between Heidi and her friend at Food Court LA, and Bailey and I were NOT IN IT. BOO.
Also, I leave for March of the Living exactly four weeks from today. I can’t believe it! I had another orientation last Sunday with the entire staff and all the kids. I was asked to do check-in and when I was sitting at the table, all of them kept coming up to me and telling me their last names, and I was like, "I know your sister. I know your brother. I know your cousin." In short, I felt OLD.
Anywho, I am off to blowdry my hair and watch GIRLICIOUS. I know, I need a hobby. Maybe I should take up knitting? Or softball? I'm open to suggestions...
i'll teach you how to crochet ;)
i vote knitting! u know i think that's cool! :)
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