I have just returned from brunch with Lonnie’s fam, which was lovely. Now I am sitting here killing time while the Directv guy fixes my tivo so that I will be able to record two shows at once. Which will make me very very happy, and will make me a better blogger, which in turn will make you happy! So three cheers for the Directv guy. Except right now he’s drilling and hammering and making noise, which is not so fabulous.
What is new in the news? Well, yesterday KFed allowed Britney to see her kids for a few hours. I am pleased about that. I feel like Britney has been doing fairly well lately (now that her parents have kicked Sam Lufti out of her life) and so it seems right that she would be rewarded with the chance to see her sons, who I don’t think she’s seen since early January. I am crossing my fingers that Brit stays on this path of relative normalcy. I dream of the day she’s back to normal and announces her WORLD TOUR. I would die.
Also, JLo had her twins. I am happy about this because a) she seems like she will be a good mother, and b) that means more celebrity babies for me and Ali to obsess over. I hope she gives them really retardedly glamorous names that I can make fun of and secretly love.
Oh, I know what I wanted to say. Have you seen the photos of Lindsay Lohan posing as Marilyn Monroe? The idea behind this is that Lindsay is emulating Marilyn’s “Last Sitting” photo shoot, shot by Bert Stern in 1962. Blech. I am totally grossed out by this whole thing. Lindsay is in no way as iconic as Marilyn Monroe, and I am more than surprised that New York Magazine would be so bold as to imply she is. You can see the photos and her freakishly freckled bod here. Make sure to examine her wig line as it is TOTALLY visible.

Oooooh, this is kind of like posting porn. I am so edgy.
Random side note: Bailey has posted the video of her bungee jumping in New Zealand. I still can’t believe she actually did it. If you are interested in seeing it and can handle the screaming that goes on, head on over to her Facebook profile and check it out. There is a chance she may have peed on herself when she did it, so examine her closely for possible urine.
On to the Oscars: FINALLY THEY ARE HERE! Here are a few of my picks. I won’t bore you with all of them, only the big ones… we will see how I do. I actually entered a pool at the office so everyone cross your fingers that I have the same success I had last year (when I got everything right except two!)
Best supporting actress – Amy Ryan, for Gone Baby Gone
Best supporting actor – Javier Bardem, for No Country for Old Men
Best makeup – Pirates of the Caribbean
Best costume - Elizabeth
Best animated feature – Ratatouille
Best song – “That’s How You Know,” from Enchanted
Best original screenplay – Diablo Cody, for Juno (yes!!!)
Best actress – Julie Christie, for Away From Her
Best actor – Daniel Day Lewis, for There Will Be Blood
Best director – the Coen Brothers, for No Country for Old Men
Best picture – No Country for Old Men
I think Ali and I are going to see Vantage Point tonight, so I’ll let you all know what I think about that when I blog tomorrow. Expect an in-depth review of the Oscars… I CANNOT WAIT!
More tv does not make you a better blogger.
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