1. I have a very exciting trip coming up! I have had plans to go to Houston for a while now. Adding to the good news is that I found out that because of Super Sunday (more on that later in this post), I get to take a day off next week, so I’m taking Friday off, and I’m gonna go to Houston even earlier than planned. I can’t wait to see my friends, drink at Whiskey Creek, and eat REAL Texas BBQ!
2. Today is Daddy’s birthday. I bought him one of those cool new photo frames that show the digital photo slideshows and I loaded it with pictures of our fam. Tonight we went to The Palm to celebrate and I ate a delicious 6-point lobster. MMMM. Anyways, happy birthday Daddy Doge, you are the best Dad in the universe and I love you a billion million trillion.
3. This week is the last week of American Idol auditions – next week is Hollywood! I can’t wait to start making my list. The only thing bad about AI this season is that my roommates don’t watch it so I watch all by myself, which is sad… lucky for me I have Greene Bean who watches the shows before me and sends me IMS to get me pumped for the good ones… and the bad ones. For example, this message I received from her (“guy in grey shirt, about 40 minutes in. you are going to die”)? DEAD RIGHT.
Bad News:
1.Britney Spears has been released from the psychiatric hospital she has been in for the past week. I am disappointed about this – everything I read said she was doing great and I was even more optimistic than usual considering her parents had stepped into the picture to fight for her rights. Unfortunately I fear that her release may just put her back into a downspin again. Her gross companion Sam Lufti makes me nauseous, Adnan Ghalib her paparazzi boyfriend makes me nauseous, Kevin Federline makes me nauseous… I just want Brit to get back to normal. I need a Britney tour more than anything in the universe. Can you even imagine what a shit show that would be?
2. I was very worried about Jacob’s safety after the big tornadoes in the South yesterday, but everyone have no fear for he is fine. Now that I think about it, this goes in the good news section. Oh well.
Other News:
1. Today I wore my Marc Jacobs mouse shoes. Big hit.
2. There really is no new news when it comes to the Democratic primary. Super Tuesday did not decide anything major, really. As of right now, Hillary Clinton has more delegates than Barack Obama, but who knows, that could change. The most noteworthy thing about my Super Tuesday is that when I went to vote, I was given an entire sheet of “I Voted” stickers by a volunteer whose nametag read “The Jordan” and who was wearing his stickers as earrings. He really liked me... we had an understanding. I am not doing this story justice but suffice to say it was funny and I am pleased.

3. It appears a good old fashioned sorority-style bitch-out may be in my future. Details are shady right now, but rest assured if it happens I will fully document it here. I’m kind of excited about that because I haven’t bitched anyone out in a really long time and I’m CRUISING for a BRUISING. No doubt this blog post will result in a phone call from Mommy.
4. This Sunday is Super Sunday, The Jewish Federation’s largest single day fundraiser all year. Last year, we raised over $4 million in twelve hours! If you live in the Los Angeles area, I think you should come out and support me and the Federation on Sunday. Let me know if you want more details.
I am off to watch American Idol and Project Runway in bed… it is amazing how little it takes to make me truly happy!
1 comment:
1. you DID NOT say cruising for a bruising in your blog.
2. vodka crans soooon!
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