Last night David Cook won season 7 of American Idol. I honestly did not know who would win. I do think David Cook is more of a marketable and appealing performer than David Archuleta (who I TOTALLY ADORE, don’t get me wrong), but he didn’t do as good during the last performances as David Archuleta did. My mom was convinced that David A would win, claiming that “every little girl in America just sits by her phone pressing redial until her parents make her go to bed,” but I guess they must have all gotten grounded or something.

Anyways, I’m fairly happy that David Cook won. Now all he needs to do is release 100 million songs exactly like “Always Be My Baby” and then I’ll really love him. Until then, I am concerned about the health of one Mr. David Archuleta, who is probably getting beaten by his overbearing stage father right about now.
Also, I just want to say that the end of American Idol leaves a sad and empty hole in my heart. It is one of my three all-time favorite shows but beyond that, it really is a six month life commitment, and now that it’s over, I have a half a year to wait for it and I am not so pleased about that. I will miss hearing Ryan Seacrest say “THIS… is AMERICAN IDOL” on a regular basis.
In more important news, this week, the California Supreme Court overturned the ban on same-sex marriage, saying:
“Responsibility to care for and raise children does not depend upon the individual's sexual orientation… We therefore conclude that in view of the substance and significance of the fundamental constitutional right to form a family relationship, the California Constitution properly must be interpreted to guarantee this basic civil right to all Californians, whether gay or heterosexual, and to same-sex couples as well as to opposite-sex couples."
Um, the only thing I really have to say about that is FINALLY. It is completely mind-blowing to me that in the year 2008, gay people are still treated like second-class citizens and not given the same rights as the rest of us. My new outlook on life (since I came back from the March) basically goes like this: everyone in the world needs to mind their own business. And the same goes for all those diehard right-wing conservatives who have a problem with gay people getting married. If you don’t like it, don’t do it! Marry your high school sweetheart and live on your farm in Oklahoma and have lots of babies together and MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!
Anywho, tomorrow I head off to San Antonio to visit Jer for Memorial Day weekend. We’re gonna do some super fun things, like eat barbeque and buy The Marrieds a wedding present (because the wedding is NEXT WEEKEND. Holy F). I’ll probably be dragged to see the IMAX movie about the Alamo for like the fourth time. Also he got a new apartment so that will be cool to visit. I hope he has essentials like shampoo. And toilet paper. One can pray.
Greene Bean is here right now because she has a very important job interview in LA tomorrow, so everyone cross your fingers about that. I hope Greene moves here because a) I love her, and b) I will have someone to watch trashy reality TV with, and c) I will get to cross another person off the “Wants to Move to LA But Probably Never Will” list. You think I’m kidding, but I actually do have a list. So far, the only person who’s been crossed off it is Ross Cohen.
I’m rambling. Everyone enjoy your long weekends. I’m off to Texas, ya’ll!
You know that the muckety mucks at Idol are thanking the heavens that they do not have to deal with Dad-chuleta for the next 2 years. Missed the blog...loved your MOTL pics! ~Julee
do you not care about the blog anymore?
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