He claims that after graduation, he is moving here. We were driving in some random area of Venice Beach that had a Costco, In&Out, Pinkberry, Starbucks, and a sushi restaurant all within a one block radius. He insisted he could live quite happily in that very spot. I told him he should ask the owners of Dennys if he could live inside the restaurant.
While Jake was here we also had dinner at the Marrieds' House. For those of you who don't know, Anna and Erez have two Great Danes. I am aware of this, and am not scared of them. However, imagine how awesome it was when I opened the front door and in addition to her dogs, the most ENORMOUS DOG I HAVE EVER SEEN greeted me. SERIOUSLY. They are babysitting this dog named Hunter. He is three years old and weighs 210 pounds. The dog's head comes up to my boobs. I shit you not. I stood in the corner of the den screaming for help while Jacob laughed hysterically and took photographs. I'll post them when he puts them online so you can believe me. I know I am prone to exaggeration but this dog was FUCKING HUGE.
What else is going on? Nicole Richie and Christina Aguilera both had their babies - Harlow Winter Kate Madden and Max Liron Bratman, respectively. Both of those names are so cute! I can't wait to see them. For those of you who don't know, Ali and I have kind of an obsession with celebrity babies. We each have our favorites - she likes Kingston Rossdale and Jayden James Spears. I, of course, am obsessed with one Miss Suri Cruise and a certain Violet Affleck, who holds the title of Happiest Baby On Earth. Look how much she looks like Jennifer Garner in this picture!

I imagine that this is the type of resemblance I have to my mother that makes perfect strangers stop me in public places and ask me if I am related to Ellen Silverman. I, however, don't see it. AT ALL. Anyways, I love celebrity babies so expect to see lots more about them here. Ali and I have long discussions about the future of celebrity babies and this is a perfect place to make predictions about how they'll all turn out! (Cough...rehab...cough....)
Tonight Bailey and I had dinner with Sara and Elianna. They took us to this new Thai place that Sara is obsessed with in Hollywood called Jitlada. It was super - very authentic and VERY spicy. I felt bad because I forgot to tell Sara that I am allergic to cilantro and we kind of had to alter our plans for what we were gonna order, but it worked out because everything (except the ridiculously flaming beef) was really good. Even Bailey was adventurous and tried things. I like going to dinner with them because we have the best conversations -- this time, Sara and I (both self-named major foodies) played the "What 5 Meals Could You Eat For The Rest of Your Life" game. Suffice to say I was drooling throughout that conversation. When I get bored tomorrow I will probably type it up so you all can see and share your opinions.
Tomorrow is Monday, a new week is here, and on Friday I am off to Denver to visit Stacy in the snow! I can't wait. Hope your weekends were super, I am back and I promise to post lots this week!
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