Thursday, January 31, 2008
Clinton/Obama? Or Obama/Clinton?
I am super tired and must get in bed and watch my daily dose of trashy reality tv (tonight will be Make Me A Super Model - delicious trash), but I just watched an interesting clip on where Wolf Blitzer asked Barack and Hilary an interesting question.
According to CNN,"The longest and loudest applause line of the night came when CNN's Wolf Blitzer noted that many Democrats have said they'd like to see a Clinton-Obama or Obama-Clinton ticket in November. Neither ruled out the possibility of selecting the other as a running mate. "
I don't DARE get into politics on this right now as I am currently exhausted and not on my A game and that would certainly invite some criticism/comments from certain parties who shall remain unnamed, but I thought this was interesting and deserved some attention, thus I am turning it over to you. I will have to give it some thought before I comment publicly on it (I know you are all waiting with bated breath), as right now my only thoughts on the debate are on how fucking annoying the traffic in Hollywood was because of it. I am so politically concerned that sometimes I even astound myself.
Anyways, I am off to bed. Look forward to an indepth post tomorrow - I will even cover the series finale of CROWNED! Yes, I am just that good to you.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
For those of you who don’t know what March of the Living is, I will explain the best I can. Basically, thousands of Jewish teenagers, their chaperones, and a small group of Holocaust survivors meet in Poland to re-create the march that the Nazis forced the Jews in concentration camps to do shortly before they were liberated. Thousands and thousands of Jews died on that short march from Auschwitz to Birkenau, and every year, a massive group of Jewish youth march together to remember the dead and remind the world that the future of the Jewish people still exists, despite the Nazis efforts to eradicate us. After spending 5 days in Poland, everyone travels to Israel in honor of Yom Hashoah (Israel Memorial Day) and Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel Independence Day). If that wasn’t a good enough explanation, you can visit the March of the Living website and read more about it in depth here.
This was a huge honor to be asked and I am so flattered. Every single person I have talked to says that the March is absolutely life changing. I have already started reading some of the material from past years and I can’t believe that in a few months I am going to be actually at some of the places I have read about in Holocaust literature for so long. I have been to Israel before in 2005), but I have never been to Poland. Also, I just can’t believe that I will be IN Israel on its 60th Anniversary!
This is also exciting for me on another level. Many of you know about my interest in historical fiction (books like The Red Tent or Da Vinci Code where the author takes, and my plan to eventually write several historical fiction novels of my own, including one having to do with the Holocaust. I am hoping that seeing firsthand for myself many of the places and sites that I know I’d like to write about will spur me into action towards actually sitting my ass down and writing the book. I will probably never have the chance to be given a trip to Poland ever again so I plan on taking full advantage of this opportunity and learning and absorbing as much as I can while I’m there.
I know this isn’t something I would usually blog about (this couldn’t be further away from reality tv or weekend vacations), and I know that this trip isn’t for a long, long time (I will be gone for two weeks, April 29th til May 11th) but I am SO excited about it and wanted to tell as many of you as possible, hence the blog post. I will have a computer with me and will be posting live blog updates every night from Poland and Israel so you all will be able to read about what I’m doing and experiencing every day. When it gets closer I will obviously be able to give you the link and other details.
Words cannot express how excited I am about this opportunity. But it is a few months away and for now, Biggest Loser is calling my name. Before I go I want to say congrats and give a big mazel to Jeremy, who passed his Series 7 test today! He has been studying ridiculously hard for the past few weeks (something I didn’t even know was possible for him to do) and his hard work paid off. Now he is a Real Financial Advisor (all caps). I hope that doesn’t mean I have to start paying him for advice.
I am off. I hope your day was as great as mine was!
Monday, January 28, 2008
The Bailey Janna Birthday Weekend in Vegas
Friday night we went to Tao for dinner. We had never been there before and it was very nice – great service and pretty good food. I got lobster wontons and would get them again in a second. Daddy was complaining because the portions are huge – I mean what? Isn’t that a good thing? Before we walked in to dinner, we posed for a photo in front of the Tao backdrop, and all these random paparazzi started taking our photos! It was funny but I was like, um, we are no one. Go away.
Bailey and I stayed at Tao after the parentals left and drank and danced a little bit. I taught her my favorite game to play at clubs in Vegas: look for the Old Fucks. She enjoyed that, and also loved the bathrooms at Tao (they are clear until you lock them – better make sure your drunk ass locks them or everyone in the club is gonna see what you own!). We caused quite a scene when we left because I was wearing the MOST PAINFUL SIX INCH HEELS on earth, and immediately took them off and started banging them on the Venetian walls and chanting drunkenly all the way to our hotel room.
Saturday was devoted to shopping (after we deposited the father at the Sports Book) and we all had quite a good run at Neiman Marcus Last Call. I got a gorgeous hot pink Catherine Malandrino sweater that I do not plan on taking off, ever. Saturday night, we had dinner at the Palm, then, finally, went to see Beatles Love. I don’t know about all of you, but I had never seen a Cirque de Soleil show, and I was totally unprepared for it. You all know that I love Broadway, so I was prepared to love this performance, but it was just so unexpected and so completely un-Broadway that I was shocked. Literally, as soon as the curtains came down, my jaw dropped. It was the type of thing where I literally did not know where to look. I highly recommend it and will probably see it again, just to be able to look at the things I missed the first time!
Sunday involved a late wake up, packing up our bags, and lunch at the Grand Lux, where Daddy had a bit of an issue involving steamed broccoli. Next we traveled to Barneys, where Bailey bought ridiculously expensive jeans, and we had a large argument with a hugely bitchy and patronizing jewelry clerk. Ma’am, fuck you. Then Daddy took Bay and I to an empty blackjack table and gave each of us $100 to learn with. Good Daddy. The dealer was insanely patient, hilariously funny, fucking gorgeous, and a chubby Jew to boot. Adam, if by some miracle of God you happen upon this blog, know that I am in love with you and am waiting in Brentwood for you to propose. I will move to Vegas to be with you if I need to. Anyways, long story short, Daddy lost all his money, I left up $60, and the birthday girl was up $85. Yayyyy. Blackjack is fun.
Then we were off to the Vegas airport for what would be several of the most boring hours of my life. Apparently, there was some sort of rainy-day domino affect that made every single flight out of the airport about a bajillion hours late. My family waited 5 hours. During that time, I played brickbreaker til my battery went dead, read about sixteen magazines, talked to some randoms, threw popcorn at Bailey, ate at the BK Lounge, calculated the revenue the BK Lounge makes in a year, and cried a few times. Finally, after FOREVER, we got on the damn flight, which was so bumpy that Bailey cried, threatened to throw up, and broke the TSA safety rules in using her ipod during a non improved time. I told her she was a terrorist.
All in all it was a funner than usual trip to the Veg. Anastasia made more than a few appearances (you obviously don’t know me if you don’t get that) and the hotel was gorgeous, I highly recommend it. Now I know this is very random and off topic but before I go, please check out this fucking hilarious craigslist ad Jacob found. AMAZING! That guy needs his own blog. I'd read it.
I am off! Hope you all enjoyed hearing about the Foumart’s antics. Mothers, lock up your sons.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
RIP Heath

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Bailey is 21 and I Am Going to Be On MTV

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Happy Birthday Tiny Foumart!
I know that all of you were sitting in front of your computers these past few days, sad and lonely, wondering when there would be a new post, wondering where I was, wondering if there would ever be joy in the world ever again. Well, here I am! Sorry about my absence.
I was in Denver all weekend visiting Stacy – I had a great time with her and her roommate Petah. We ate at a delicious place called Snooze (I highly recommend it! get the Reese’s flavored pancakes!) and shopped and saw 27 Dresses and even went skiing (of course I got injured, but that’s a whole other story…). I also discovered that, for all my loud talk about how much I love cold weather, I have been deluding myself/full of shit all these years. I was fucking FREEZING all weekend long. I really had no idea how cold it gets. Major props to Stacy and of course, Bailey, and all you others out there in cold distant lands far off from LA.
Oscar nominations came out this morning – YES! I will be posting my full and complete list of who I think will win, but for now I will just give my first impressions. Hmmm, off the top of my head… It is AWESOME that Ellen Page got a Best Actress nom for Juno, and the same must be said for Diablo Cody and her Best Original Screenplay. Phenom. I was very surprised that Laura Linney got nominated for Best Actress for The Savages – did not expect that. I was also surprised by the Best Original Song nominations – three from Enchanted alone!
Finally, I must end this blog post by wishing my sister the best day ever now that she is finally legal. Happy birthday Bay! I cannot wait to fuck you up later tonight and then again this weekend in Vegas. And so, without further ado, a poem in honor of my sister:

You’re finally 21, we can celebrate,
Unlike me, your birthday wasn’t late.
Now you can get rid of your fake ID,
Which worked even though you look nothing like me.
We are bestest friends unless you steal my stuff,
The next time you do that I will make your life rough.
We shop at malls, boutiques, and even Walmart,
You will always be my tiny foumart.
Our favorite things to do are laugh and eat sush,
It doesn’t matter if we’re at Hiro or Kush.
Sometimes when we fight Mom and Dad lose their shit,
They don’t understand that we just get over it.
We are the Jewish community’s answer to Mary Kate and Ash,
Where ever we go, we make a huge splash.
You really are the best, together we have so much fun,
Happy birthday DOGE, you’re finally 21!
I love you and I can’t wait to celebrate tonight!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
It's Back! Your Tuesday and Wednesday Nights Will Never Be the Same
Last night season 7 of American Idol kicked off with a bang in Philadelphia, commonly known as the City of Brotherly Love but a place I like to refer to as the Birthplace of Carly Babins. And almost every single audition we got a chance to see was just as unique as Miss Babins herself.
Favorites from the Philadelphia episode? Well, if we’re talking good auditions, the fourteen-year old with the sick baby (Angela Martin), the Carrie Underwood type from Oregon (Kristy Lee Cook), and the oddly colored handsome man with the Bob Marley braids (Christ Watson) stand out. He was like, a shiny gold color. Not black. Golden. I enjoyed them.
Of course, because I’m Jordan Silverman and I thrive on retardation and people who are seriously, seriously fucked up, I look forward to the bad auditions even more than I do the good ones. There is nothing better to me when the doors open and some idiot wearing a cape, a bikini, Princess Leia cinnamon braid buns, or some variation on the “look at me, please!” outfit comes charging in.
Temptress Brown, however, threw me for a loop. I HATE when American Idol makes me feel bad. In my opinion, there should be two categories of emotion I should be feeling when I watch this show: number one, I should be deeply envious of the astounding talented voices, or I should be extremely tickled by the tards and their antics. Unfortunately, every once in a while AI decides to throw in a heartbreaking story along with someone who truly cannot sing, and it just ends badly for everyone, including me, who has to watch the spectacle play out with a sick feeling in my stomach. See: Temptress Brown the high school football player who is trying out to please her morbidly obese mother. Needless to say, she could not sing, and it was so, so painful to watch.
Mostly, though, I’m just glad that American Idol is getting back to its roots. If you’re one of the nine people on earth who haven’t yet been assaulted by the press machine that IS the American Idol Media Relations team, read this – it will tell you all you need to know about Mr. Nigel Lithgow’s solemn promise to not release the Sanjaya Malakars of the world upon us again. And that is really all one can ever ask for, don’t you think?
So Idol is back, and I have a warm fuzzy feeling all throughout my body, probably not unlike the warm fuzzy feeling throughout Paula Abdul’s body as she drinks from the Ever Present Coca Cola Cup That Does Not Contain Coca Cola. Tonight is yet another audition tryout episode, so get ready for another recap. I cannot wait to select my final twelve (a process that involves a lot of scribbled notes on Jordan Silverman stationary and a lot of screaming phone calls to Greene) – rest assured I will let everyone know my predictions. I know you all were worried.

Happy Wednesday to all! May you have an evening free of Taylor Hickses and full of Katharine McPhees. Yes, I still have the McPheever.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
A Quick Quiz

d) a fabulous friend
e) all of the above
Monday, January 14, 2008
It's Britney Bitch... IN ENCINO.
Anyways, onto other important things, like Miss Britney J. Spears. I am very frustrated. Every time I turn around, fucking Britney is off buying something or eating somewhere or shopping in a store that I WAS JUST IN, with that fucking creepo paparazzi she is so insistent on dating. He is so repulsive. But I digress.

I could barely handle it when I went to the Glen for coffee and the next day she was there with Jamie Lynn. I could barely handle it when she had dinner and drinks at Qs, which is DOWN THE STREET. But with her frequenting Encino Starbucks and lunching at Gaucho Grill and marching around Fashion Square, I am totally furious. That’s MY Starbucks, MY favorite steak place, and MY FUCKING MALL! WHY IS SHE ALWAYS THERE WHEN I AM NOT THERE??? I AM DYING TO SEE HER!!!!!!!!!!
I need to think positive. I AM going to see her. I WILL run into her. I WILL die on the pavement.
Ahhhh. That feels better. I’m glad I got it off my chest.
I will close by saying this: if you are the stupid fucking douchebag who broke the window of my dad’s car and stole my mother’s purse in broad daylight in the middle of Sherman Oaks, you are an asshole and you deserve to be in jail. For being a thief, and for also spending $300 in Bebe before my mom had a chance to cancel her credit cards. Also, enjoy her new Tory Burch bag, because it is probably the last nice thing you will ever own. Karma. God does not reward thieving thieves.
Tomorrow – AMERICAN IDOL SEASON 7 PREMIERE. Get ready for Ryan Seacrest gaying it up, Randy Jackson not really making sense, Simon being British and rude to everyone, Paula the drunk bitch, and general amazing amazingness. I CANNOT WAIT!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Weekend Update with Jordan Silverman #2

Thursday, January 10, 2008
I Will Fuck With Fabulous, and You Should Too
Jordan has asked that I submit the occasional guest column for her blog. Thus, every now and then you’ll be getting to hear my random thoughts on whatever the hell I’m doing. I’ve been warned that Jordan’s audience doesn’t exactly look forward to my feelings on the NFL playoffs (I’m looking at you BRAGMAN), though I am getting more and more concerned that the actions of my team’s quarterback can be acceptable fodder for forums such as this. Therefore I will steer clear of football discussion. Jordan has also told me that I am not allowed to expound upon things we fight about. That makes this laundry list off limits:
Religion – Though Jordan may try and tell you otherwise, I am Jewish. Our opinion of nearly every facet of what that entails, however, is a hot button issue. I would show examples of this, but I am fairly certain I’d be edited to save Jordan potential embarrassment from prominent members of the Los Angeles Jewish Community.
Politics – Though Jordan may try and tell you otherwise, I am not strictly a Republican. Unlike the last election, I am making my candidate of choice a public declaration. (If you’re curious, I am building a man crush on John McCain. If you’d like to go into reasons for this, I’d be more than happy to discuss it. Unfortunately, not on this blog.) Jordan and I frequently argue about politics, though the argument is somewhat hindered by the fact that I’m a political science major with a strong interest in history whereas she is a creative writing major with a strong interest in Project Runway. From that information alone I’m sure you can gather why she doesn’t like to talk about this.
Guns – I could have just included this within politics, but it’s been an important issue for me. I have recently gone skeet shooting a few times and absolutely fell in love with shooting, so I’m in the market for a shotgun. I could write quite a bit on the research I’ve done on pump action vs. automatic guns, but it will be forbidden as well. If you have feelings or knowledge about the merits of pump action or automatic shotguns in skeet or 5 point settings, though, I’d love to hear.
Gender relations – Specifically, I will not be discussing anytime that Jacob or myself come into contact with any female in any situation. If either of us buy a pack of gum from a female gas station attendant, don’t be around Miss Silverman when she finds out about it.
This Blog – Apparently, every time I say anything about this blog, Jordan thinks I am mocking her. While this is sometimes true, it is not always true. To avoid any perceived condescension on my part, I’ll just be avoiding the topic altogether with the exception of later in this entry.
I’m absolutely certain that I’m missing things here, as I am absolutely certain that I will breach topics that Jordan deems unsuitable or potentially embarrassing for her. The aforementioned list is only a start. With any luck, we’ll be adding to that.
As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I tend to drone on a bit. I can’t really help it. As a political science major, I didn’t take many courses that didn’t require something crazy like a 20 page paper, and now that it’s over you pay for it. I’ll try to separate paragraphs, so if the first sentence of a paragraph doesn’t interest you, I’d say you should just skip it.
The only thing I’d like to discuss before ending this is an organization that Jacob and I are beginning called “I Fuck With Fabulous.” This will be a society of individuals dedicated to doing exactly what the title of this blog suggests we should not. Perhaps most importantly, we have designed shirts. If you would be interested in becoming a member of the IFWF family, comment on this and we will work out the logistics of inducting you and proliferating these very good looking shirts that are available in 30 colors.
That’s it for my first non football entry. Now back to discussions of reality television, things that are pink, and poetry suggesting a female deity of some sort.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
On Wednesdays We Wear Pink, and Sometimes We Read Poetry
I asked God if it was okay to be melodramatic
and she said yes
I asked her if it was okay to be short
and she said it sure is
I asked her if I could wear nail polish
or not wear nail polish
and she said honey
she calls me that sometimes
she said you can do just exactly
what you want to
Thanks God I said
And is it even okay if I don't paragraph
my letters
Sweetcakes God said
who knows where she picked that up
what I'm telling you is
Yes Yes Yes
by Kaylin Haught.
Happy Wednesday. I hope you're all wearing pink.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Give the Goddamn Writers Whatever They Want
So I wasn’t going to write about the strike. BUT. BUT! They canceled the Golden Globes. That’s horrifying all by itself, but you know what that means.
If the strike isn’t over, they’re going to cancel the Oscars.
If you know me at all, you know that Oscar Night is sacred to me. I LOVE the Oscars. I put my pretty ballgown on at 4:00 and I march off to the couch and I do not move, I sit there through the pre-show and the official pre-show countdown and the four point five hours of the show itself and the post-show and the post-show party coverage. You all must know this – some of you have even been there right alongside me, watching the show while giving me the occasional dirty look because I refused to let you sit on the AEPhi pledge lounge couch if you weren’t wearing your party dress (Bragman).

The thought of the Oscars being canceled is so upsetting to me that I actually would not know what to do. There would certainly be a lot of screaming and maybe some crying. I definitely wouldn’t rule out driving my vehicle down to the stupid picket lines in front of the studios in Burbank and Culver City and rolling down my window to SCREAM.
Canceling awards shows is so UNFAIR. Granted, I know there are a lot of other things in life that are also unfair, and this is quite stupid in the grand scheme of things. But think about it – if you were an actor or screenwriter or director, and you had just worked your ass off writing/acting/directing your last project, and it was finally, FINALLY, recognized by the industry as something worthy of honoring, maybe even something worthy of winning, and the chance to be congratulated and celebrated publicly for your hard work was just TAKEN AWAY, you’d think that was pretty fucking unfair too!
I have really worked myself up over this, and it hasn’t yet happened. Rest assured that if it does, I will certainly devote at least four more screaming BlogRants (copyright me) to the topic.
I will calm down after a long hot shower. In the meantime, I leave you not with an angry BlogRant, but with this link. This man is living in IKEA for a whole week. Lucky! I love IKEA! (Almost as much as I love the Oscars but we won’t go there.) Fun fact: during the months of May and June of 2007, I went to Ikea nine times. Very impressive.
I wish you all a Tuesday full of IKEA Swedish meatballs. Jacob comes tomorrow so I am off to prepare for his arrival, also known as shove all my shit under my bed. Adjö´ så lä´nge! (that is goodbye in SWEDISH!)
Monday, January 7, 2008
Today I was bored for a bit and decided to create a list. For those of you who don’t know, I love lists, mostly because I think I have pretty handwriting and often forget things if I don’t write them down. At work it’s even better, because I have a set of gorgeous rainbow colored pens (that were marked $1.29 by a very, very stupid woman at Target) and I have patterned black-and-white paper that has my name on it, so my lists are even nicer when I write them at work.
So here is a list. It’s a good one; I think you’ll like it. So, without further ado, here is my current Overrated/Underrated List (yes, capital letters!).
-Ketchup (both the condiment and the lame restaurant on Sunset)
-Movies starring Nicole Kidman
-Political cartoons
-Blackberries (I realize I am a hypocrite for including this)
-Stress balls (I always end up hurting myself)
-The following holidays: Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Christmas, and New Years Eve
-Ben Stiller (Am I the only one who realizes he plays the exact same character in every movie?)
-The Real World (not the hopelessly out of date MTV reality show. Actually wait, yes, that too, but also, the whole paying-rent, work-from-9-to-5, sticking-to-a-budget, doing-your-own-laundry thing.)
-Real mail (not email. Real mail comes with a stamp.)
-The Ameci’s Pizza lunchtime deal (for something ridiculous like $4.79, you get a bowl of soup or a salad, two pieces of delicious cheese pizza, and a drink. They give it away at Ameci’s, I swear.)
-Blackberry Brickbreaker (I know someone who is ranked #7 in the country)
-Mayonnaise (It gets a bad rap. Why, I don’t know. It is so delicious on sammiches.)
-Pilot Precise Rolling Ball Pens
-Proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
-Fingerless gloves (my new must-have winter accessory).
-Soy sauce. (Obviously my favorite condiment on earth.)
-Blogging. (I live to blog! [said in the same way as “I live to frolf!”] If you got that, you’re brilliant and I love you.)
That’s all for the list right now, but no doubt I will be adding things to it fairly regularly. I liked making this list, so look forward to other lists to come. I’m also open for suggestions.
I obviously have to end by wishing Floff a very happy birthday. 23! Wow, you are old. I can’t believe it’s been a year since we spent your 22nd birthday weekend in San Francisco, where the entire Floff Family +1 went to that Mexican restaurant for dinner, where the chef personally came out and circled every item on the menu that did not have cilantro in it. I can’t believe it’s been a year since we saw Jersey Boys and sang “who loves you pretty baby” to each other all night long. I can’t believe it’s been a year since Club Slide, where you chickened out and I didn’t (I am brave!) and slid down that long slide, into the club, where we made Michael buy us martinis and danced all night. And I certainly can’t believe it’s been a year since brunch at Lulus, where I ate the most delicious Eggs Benedict I have ever eaten in my entire life. I will spend the rest of my days here on this earth searching for hollandaise and English Muffins as magical as those at Lulus.
But I digress. Happy Birthday to my Floff!

Sunday, January 6, 2008
Weekend Update with Jordan Silverman
I'm sitting here trying to think of what I actually did this weekend. Hmmmm. I spent a large portion of Saturday watching the E True Hollywood Story "Britney Spears: Fall From Grace" and crying. Yes, crying. Don't make fun of me til you see it for yourself. She was so immensely talented I cannot even handle it.
I'd like to pat myself on the back for my football selections this week. The only game I got wrong was Giants/Tampa Bay. I'm not too upset about it though, because a) I don't really care, and b) that was the only game I got wrong, making me 75% accurate. You heard it here first, next year I'm really taking this Mini Sports Gal thing to the next level.
I'd like to make a few shoutouts before I go: one to Lonnie, who patiently drove me all over the westside on Saturday, even though she was hungover. One to Larissa, who sent me the sweetest message on Facebook telling me how much she loved reading this and asking for my Vegas hotspot tips. One to Carly Babins's mom, who compared me to Sarah Jessica Parker and thinks I should have my own newspaper column. Finally, one to Bragman, who harassed me last night to include her more within the blog. Her reasoning for this? "If you become famous like Aaron Karo, I want to be a recurring character, like one of the triplets."
There you have it Brag, if I hit it big like Karo you will now have your fifteen minutes of fame as one of my sidekicks. Mazel tov!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
King of the League of Dorks NFL Picks for This Week
Jeremy's Picks
If you have seen the commercials about being an ESPN MVP and checking sports scores during things like weddings and honeymoons, that’s what I’ll be doing on Saturday. I don’t want to, but when one of your good friends decides to get married on NFL Wildcard Satruday, you are really left with little options. After this weekend I will be going into full Jeremy Mandel playoff freak out mode. Many of you are familiar with my San Antonio Spurs playoff mode where I am cocky and abrasive, but Dallas Cowboys playoff mode is quite different. In the NBA, having a 7 game series decide playoff winners almost always assures that the best team will come out on top, which is nearly always the Spurs. Thus, there is less of a need to feel nervous and more of a need to enjoy the ride smacking around the rest of the league. However, the NFL does not operate this way. If the team loses once, that’s it. NFL playoff games have the ability to scar me for life. One bad mistake, and that’s it. (See: Dallas Cowboys, 2006) As long as it isn’t my team playing, I love it.
Washington Redskins at Seattle Seahawks – Seattle
As someone who bets on sports, I couldn’t be happier about the public’s infatuation with the Redskins and Todd Collins. In the playoffs, teams with shaky quarterbacks on the road do not win. This is a steadfast rule broken on very few occasions. The only way teams like that can survive is to have an absolutely dominating defense, and while the Redskins D is good, I certainly wouldn’t call them dominating. The loss of Sean Taylor really doesn’t help. Meanwhile, Todd Collins has been in the league for something like 12 years and at no point was considered a viable starting quarterback. To pick the Redskins you have to be saying that not only did he transform into a playoff winning quarterback after 12 years of being terrible, but he can win games in Seattle, which is notorious for being a very tough place to play. On top of all that, I think the Seattle defense is very underrated. Lofa Tatupu is excellent.
New York Giants at Tampa Bay Bucs – Tampa Bay
The Giants played their Super Bowl last week. Eli Manning on the road. Big time injuries. Tom Coughlin late in the year. I would pick 75% of the league to beat the Giants in this situation. On top of the fact that they will likely beat themselves, they’re playing a veteran team in Tampa who is well rested and playing at home. This won’t be a blowout, but I definitely like Tampa Bay.
Jacksonville Jaguars at Pittsburgh Steelers. – Jacksonville
This always happens to me. I get excited about a team in week 10 or so before people are paying attention. The team is very underrated and getting better every week. Then, by the time their playoff game hits, everyone else has noticed and they become overrated. This is the story of the 2007 Jacksonville Jaguars. Whenever a bandwagon like this occurs, the team invariably collapses and makes me look like an idiot. Logically, this means I should pick against Jacksonville here. However, look at their opponent. Pittsburgh just lose Willie Parker, their best offensive player, and Aaron Smith, arguably their best defensive player (Troy Polamalu is vastly overrated). They got beat by Jacksonville at home a few weeks ago in a game that wasn’t as close as the score looks. Ben Roethlisberger is going to have to carry them and I don’t think it will work. They might get an early lead, but the Jags are a resilient bunch and I trust Garrard more than most do.
Tennessee Titans at San Diego Chargers – San Diego
By far the easiest game of the week to pick. Tennessee’s goal before the season was to make the playoffs and now they’ve done that. Vince Young isn’t completely healthy if he does end up playing, and the Chargers will make him move and take some hits. In the event that Kerry Collins plays, he instantly becomes an immoveable tackling dummy for the Chargers blitzing D. Also, as I mentioned previously, Norv Turner teams blow games like this out of the water to set up a monumental collapse against the Colts next week.
Note from Jordan: In my opinion, his choices are boring. I think picking the Jaguars because they are a cute animal is a much more logical reason than "trusting Garrard", whoever the hell he may be.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Oh, Britney. Oh, Honey.
By now I’m sure you all have heard about her breakdown last night, which started when she refused to hand her kids over to KFed and escalated to the point where she was taken away in an ambulance. She is now under a 72-hour mandatory hold in the psych ward of Cedars Sinai, and it has just been announced that she has (finally) lost all custodial rights of her two boys.

Literally, yesterday I said to Talya, “Britney is going to die.” And then this happened about 4 hours later! It is so completely unbelievable – reading on blogs or in magazines what happens to her everyday is literally like reading a soap opera. She is EXACTLY the definition of a trainwreck – you know its bad to look, but you cant bear to look away.
Lynn Spears (Mother of the Year) called into Access Hollywood today and basically could not say anything except cry, which was kind of sad and kind of pathetic. In between sobs she managed to say, “Pray for Britney.” So pathetic. I really had high hopes that Britney was going to turn her life around after she released Blackout. It is SUCH a good CD – every song is great (especially number 8).
I honestly can’t say anything about Britney that hasn’t been said before. Trent on Pink Is The New Blog thinks that this might be the wakeup call she needs to totally get her shit together before she loses it and totally hits rock bottom, but I don’t know. I thought she hit rock bottom a long time ago, and she keeps surprising me every day with something new and fucked up.
Remember how hot she used to be? Remember when she performed with the fucking snake? Remember when she came out at the 2000 VMA’s in that black suit with the hat, and then started dancing and it fell off to reveal that nude bodysuit with all the sequins? I remember watching that. I remember screaming about how amazing she was. SCREAMING.
Ugh. This is depressing me. Moving on. You all thought I’d be over this football thing, but I’m not, so ha. Here are my picks for this weekend’s games:
Washington Redskins at Seattle Seahawks – I pick Seattle because its always rainy there and its raining here right now. I really like rain, especially when I am in bed wearing my pink socks.
New York Giants at Tampa Bay Buccaneers – I choose Tampa Bay because right now my mom and my sister are in Florida so this is a shout out for them. Also I may have mentioned this last week, but I like the word Buccaneers.
Jacksonville Jaguars at Pittsburgh Steelers – I choose Jaguars because they are kind of like leopards which is my favorite type of print. Also I do not even know what a steeler is.
Tennessee Titans at San Diego Chargers – I choose San Diego because I’ve been there and its pretty nice. Jacob and Anna and Michael Katzman are from Tennessee but I’ve never been there so I don’t know anything about it except the bbq is supposed to be good and Elvis lived there.
So there you have it. Britney is cracked out and I pay attention to the NFL. What has the world come to?