Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I need to express a great deal of love to all my friends and fans who have already told me they like the blog. In particular, I enjoyed a comment about someone favoriting it because they wanted to "laugh everyday." You know who you are. That warms my heart. I love you.

Anyways, after work today I traveled deep, deep into the valley to play with my mom. When I arrived at my house, she was kind enough to give me three of my LONG AWAITED hannukah gifts - a Sephora 64-eyeshadow palette, The Office wall calendar, AND a pair of emerald green Tory Burch reese ballet flats!

Aren't they so pretty? They are shiny green and so comfortable. The best part is, the tassels are glued down, so I can dance and kick as much as I want and the tassels never move!

I am also OBSESSED with my new Ugg moccassins. I got them a week ago and every day, I come right home from work and put them on my feet and do not remove them til absolutely necessary. They are like an orgasm for the toes.

Finally, I have to talk briefly about my all time favorite shoes, which also happen to be the same shoes NO ONE WILL LET ME BUY. Ladies and gentlemen, behold the mouse shoes. Unfortunately, blogging is still new and difficult to me, so you will have to click here to see the little mice.

Marc Jacobs is a genius. That's all I have to say. If you don't recognize the brilliance of making actual mouse shoes (complete with whiskers), then nothing I can say or do or blog will change your mind.

And as long as we're talking about shoes, we might as well pay homage to Kelly and her shoes.


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