Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Hi yall! I’m in such a great mood. This is my very first post from the new apartment!!!!!!!!!

We moved in on Saturday morning and spent the entire weekend organizing, cleaning, building, and unpacking. As a true testament to mine and Talya’s severe OCD, you will not be surprised to know that the ENTIRE APARTMENT is basically perfect already... down to things like art hung on walls and dishes drying on the dish rack! The apartment is BEAUTIFUL and we love it so much!

Here are a few pictures of my room and bathroom:

If you would like to see the rest of the photos of the apartment (and I URGE you to, because it’s fabulous), please click here. This link should work and if not, just let me know and I’ll help you get the right one!

So I promised last time I posted that I’d update yall on some fun things. Here goes!

I have a new hobby! I spend hours every week pouring over interior design magazines, blogs, and websites. It all started when Tal and I decided to move – out of NOWHERE, I got so excited about buying furniture and decorating our new place! Now I’m kind of obsessed, and keep threatening to become an interior decorator for Samuels’ Furniture… needless to say, Jacob does not like this new hobby of mine!

The High Holidays are over – Rosh Hashanah in New York was pretty bomb, me and the parentals first spent a few days in the city. I convinced them to take me to Perilla, Harold (the winner of Top Chef season 1)’s restaurant in Greenwich. It was BASICALLY AMAZING, but sadly, no Harold sighting. BUMMER. We shopped, I had a drink with CarJB, had breakfast with my love Daniel Dehrey, and saw an amazing musical – In The Heights. I’d talk about that more at length, but I’m furious because Britney Spears was in NY and saw it the day after we did. DRATS – SHE ELUDES ME AGAIN!

Actual services and fam time were nice as usual, nothing major, but it was fun seeing everyone in Long Island. Highlights included throwing the kids in the car for a trip to White Castle for white trash baby hamburgers and second night Rosh Hashanah din at, drumroll please…. RUTHS CHRIS! Just like our ancestors did, right!?

We spent Yom Kips at home – Greene Bean was an honorary Silverwoman for the holiday and came to temple to see me speak! I think I did a fairly good job J wasn’t nervous at all and wore a bomb new dress! Was a fairly good day, except for the whole not-eating thing. When break fast finally rolled around, I ate so much I literally made myself sick – Adam Stern came over to chat and I almost barfed on the poor guy’s shoes. I am a CLASS ACT.

Oh, I totally forgot to update about the trip to Cabo! Let’s put it this way – it didn’t happen. We checked the weather the day before we left and discovered a nice little surprise – a Category 4 Hurricane. So, to make a long story short, we canceled the trip and headed off to Palm Springs for a long weekend instead. It ended up being quite the nice little vacay – we used to have a house in PS before we had the Newport house, and we hadn’t been back in years. It was fun seeing and doing all the things we used to do! We swam, tanned, went to a flea market, ate large amounts of food,…All in all, a typical entertaining Silverman family vacay… there was even a stop at Hadleys for AMAZING date shakes and a little retardation/incident in a Chick-fil-a parking lot.

To be perfectly honest, all of these other things are quite interesting, but none of them compares to what I’ve really been thinking/obsessing/dreaming about for the past few months….


Yes ladies and gents, this weekend is MOTHER FUCKING HOMECOMING. There are not enough exclamation points in the world to explain how excited we (yes, the royal we, it includes basically all Arizona Wildcats) all are. Expect a full recap sometime next week when I get back... it may take a while for me to recover from the gallons of alcohol I plan on drinking, but rest assured, I’ll update all of you with plenty of stories and photos.

I’m off to slumber in my amazing new sheets. BEAR DOWN BITCHES!!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

An Acrostic for Bragman

REAL QUICK -- Bragman is STILL complaining about my lack of updates, so this is for you Brag. I love you!

B - BLOOMIN ONION seller :)
R - raging alcoholic
A - always down for a shotfest any time of day
G - gorgeous
M - makes me take her out to dinner whenever she cries
A - awesome at nearly everything she does
N - nice to anyone who buys her a drink!

Ooooh, I love acrostics :) Anyone want me to do one with their name?! Okay, I'm going for real now. CIAO!

Believe Me, I Know...

Believe me, I know. If you're reading this, you're mad at me (Bragman, Serena, etc...). I would be mad at me too -- I haven't updated in WEEKS! I am SO sorry.

Things in my life that have been crazy:

1. I went to New York for a week

2. My boss came back to work

3. I am in the midst of packing up my apartment for move-in day next week

4. Tomorrow is Yom Kippur and I am speaking at temple in front of like a thousand people

5. On Friday I leave for five days in CABO!

Don't get me wrong, I am beyond thrilled about all of those things... October is shaping up to be a great month! I promise when I get back and things calm down a bit, I will update on all those things and many others (my new hobby! My opinion on the VP debate! Photos of the new apartment! The Second Installment of The Tale of the Great Chair Debacle of 2008 - The Removal! All this AND MORE!)

But for now, I'm off to blowdry my hair and lug garbage bags full of shit my mom is making me toss out to the trash... fancy times in the life of Jordan Marisa.

Shanah tovah and g'mar hatima tovah to everyone who is reading this!

Happy new year, have an easy fast, and may you be inscribed in the Book of Life!